Short Term Forecasts
Hourly Forecasts
Detailed rolling hourly forecasts for up to 7 and 15 days out.
2-week Extended Forecasts
Day-by-day extended forecasts for 2 weeks are an invaluable planning tool.
48-hour Detailed Forecasts
Unique, rolling 48-hour detailed forecasts for over 80,000 locations around the world
7-day Extended Forecasts
Seven-day in-depth extended forecasts. Descriptors track the weather as it progresses throughout the day.
Airport Delay Forecasts
48-hour airport delay forecasts for over 300 major airports worldwide
Monthly, Seasonal and 6-Month Outlooks
30-Day Daily Forecasts:
- Day-by-day forecast for all key weather variables and descriptions for the upcoming 32 days.
- Forecasts include proprietary modeling technology at CustomWeather that incorporates in-house expertise, machine learning, and existing government weather models.
- Proven accuracy with the CustomWeather model continuously using statistical modeling techniques to correct for government weather model biases.
- Available globally for over 85,000 forecast locations.
- Updated 4 times daily.
- Available via API or via file delivery.
Monthly and Seasonal Climate Summary (PDF):
- Summary of previous month’s climate plus outlook and discussion for the next 30 -90 days.
- Includes discussions on Southern Oscillation and other large scale weather phenomenon impacting the growing regions.
- Specific focus on temperature, precipitation outlooks as well as potential for extreme heat, frost, and freeze events during the period.
- Customized by country, region or continent.
- Delivered monthly.
6-Month Temperature and Precipitation Outlooks:
- Month-by-month outlooks of temperature and precipitation data both as absolute values and as deviations from normal using North America Multi-Model Ensemble data (NMME).
- Reports include discussions on large-scale weather phenomenon impacting the particular region with specific focus on temperatures and precipitation as well as the potential for extreme weather events during the 6-month period.
- Delivered monthly.
Hyperlocal forecasting at up to 100 meter resolution
CW100 is a proven weather forecasting model capable of predicting actionable, near-surface winds and temperatures with unprecedented 100 meter resolution and accuracy. Excels in spatial resolution, accounting for small-scale terrain features, etc.
The CustomWeather CW100 Model is based on physics, not statistics or airport observations. As a result, it can achieve significantly better accuracy than statistical models, especially for non-airport locations. The CW100 Model is able to resolve additional physical processes near the ground that are not resolved by other models and is able to operate at a much higher resolution, typically 100x finer than standard models and other gridded forecasts.
- Excellent performance for both daytime and nighttime forecasting.
- Lightweight: high speed, low cost — can easily be run on a single computer
- High resolution: 100 meters or less
- Accurate land surface properties
- Realistic near-surface physics
- Works everywhere, not limited to observation sites
- Very accurate near the ground – consistently beats NWP, NWS MOS, and most human forecasters
- CW100 is not limited to observation sites (airports) or population centers because it relies on gridded data sets that are primarily satellite-derived.
Update Frequency:
CW100 data is typically produced in 1-hour increments although 15-minute increments are also possible.
Model outputs include:
- air temperature (dry bulb)
- minimum air temperature (dry bulb)
- maximum air temperature (dry bulb)
- dewpoint temperature (wet bulb)
- wind speed
- wind gust speed
- wind direction
- soil temperature
- net radiation
- precipitation rate
- cloud area fraction
Statistical 15-Day Forecasts (MOS)
CustomWeather has incorporated over 2 years analysis of raw model data to offer a proprietary 15-day MOS (Model Output Statistics) weather forecast.
- Includes forecasts for more than 10,000 locations worldwide.
- MAE (Mean Absolute Error) numbers for days 4-7 outperform industry standards usually only seen in days 1-3 of a forecast period.
- MAE for hourly forecasts outperform even daily forecast values currently available to the public.
- Accuracy results show significant forecast improvement across all forecast lead-times.
All Forecast Products Include:
- Condition descriptions
- High/low temperatures
- Wind speed
- Wind direction
- Humidity
- Comfort level
- UV index
- Total expected precipitation
- Precipitation probability
Nowcasting: Forecast Conditions via HRRR (High Resolution Rapid Refresh)
In the North American domain, CustomWeather offers high resolution forecasts (3km) at any altitude for the latest on rapidly changing conditions. A wide variety of variables are available in 15-minute increments including radar reflectivity, precipitation, wind speed/direction/gusts, temperature, pressure, and cloud cover.
Globally, over 200 different weather variables are available ranging from temperature and wind to more complex weather variables such as convective parameters and a hail index. Data is available from the current hour out to 15 days.
All weather forecast variables are available from CustomWeather’s Cloud Weather Service for any global latitude/longitude for both the current hour and future hours.
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