San Francisco, CA – February 27, 2018 – As the commercial drone industry continues to grow, CustomWeather, Inc., a specialized provider of high resolution weather forecast and alert services, is seeing increased demand for its precision forecasting services. Weather is one of the greatest challenges to the industry, and CustomWeather offers a variety of forecast services that are uniquely well-suited to the needs of the drone industry. Ideal for mission planning, calculation of trajectory, range, and other flight parameters, as well as post-flight analysis, CustomWeather’s expertise and precision in weather conditions at all altitudes, wind forecasting, real-time reporting and severe weather advisory services, are all available for any location worldwide.
CustomWeather offers customers in the time- and weather-sensitive drone industry access to millions of grid points contained within raw model datasets and hundreds of different weather variables. These weather variables include many that are considered obscure or difficult to obtain, particularly near-surface conditions such as wind and temperature, in 100 meter resolution. Lower atmosphere winds and conditions are available at numerous levels, including 10 meters, 80 meters and every 25 millibar level for any latitude/longitude for both the current and future conditions, allowing commercial drone operators to define optimal flight paths and timing, respond to mid-flight weather changes, maximize battery life and ensure safer flight arrival.
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